Trino logoMigration to Trino Iceberg Table Format


Trino added Iceberg connector some years ago and since that the connector has been getting more popular in Trino community. The major competitor for Iceberg connector is Hive one. Those table formats store data similar. The advantage of Iceberg connector is that it stores metadata along with data. It brings …

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Trino logoGet Started with Custom Connector Plugin in Trino


If you need to create a custom connector plugin in Trino, the best way to get started is to pick up an existing connector. Trino includes a comprehensive list of native connectors of any flavor. Separation of code from the main repository is requesting some modifications to it. Those changes …

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Trino logoUse HTTPS Protocol in Trino Server with PKCS 12 Store


Trino documentation includes description of access to Trino cluster secured by HTTPS protocol with load balancer, PEM and Java KeyStore files. PKCS #12 file is another option to implement HTTPS protocol. It is a binary format for storing a certificate chain and private key in a single, encryptable file with …

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Trino logoGet Started with Trino Plugin


Trino is fully customizable with custom plugins. Those plugins can be developed in Java and deployed to Trino clusters. One of the aspects of success in development Trino plugins depends on your development environment. If you are able to mimic the Trino team environment, you might encounter less issues and …

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Trino logoTrino Insights Database Maintenance


Insights is a part of functionality included in Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP). Insights shows cluster history, usage metrics, and query history and details. Data is persisted in the insights database. Postgres, Oracle, or MySql is a list of supported backend database management system which is used to store collected data …

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Trino logoApply Trino Configuration Properties in DBeaver Connection


Trino configuration properties are used to tune Trino or change its behavior when required. Mostly times, those properties are applied in Trino configuration files. It is required a restarting of a Trino cluster to make it in effect in case if customization is needed. There is another flexible option without …

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Trino logoAccess MinIO S3 Storage in Trino with Hive Metastore


Trino Hive connector is aimed to access HDFS or S3 compatible storages. One of the key components of the connector is metastore which maps data files with schemas and tables. Two production metastore services are Hive and AWS Glue Data Catalog. Hive metastore works transparently with MinIO S3 compatible system …

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Trino logoHive Standalone Metastore for Trino in Docker

Hive connector in Trino can retrieve data from both HDFS and S3 compatible storages. The connector requests Hive metastore as a link to those storages. There are two types of metastores. The first one is beefy one which includes multiple services. The second one is light weight and is called …

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Trino logoHide Passwords and Sensitive Data in Trino Configuration Files

Trino configuration files contain passwords and sensitive data in plain text. Corporation security policies are not tolerant with it. That kind of information must be hidden from users who are not authorized to have access to it. As a rule of thumb, DevOps and security teams are responsible to set …

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Trino logoConnect Trino to Cloudera Hive with Kerberos Authentication

Trino includes Hive connector to access Hive data warehouse. Warehouse data is stored in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or in S3 compatible storages. Data files located in Hive warehouse are in varieties of formats and data size can be enormous. Trino uses Hive metastore to discover schemas and …

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Dbeaver logoConnect DBeaver to Trino with HTTPS Protocol


Communication between Trino and a client can be secured with HTTPS protocol. Trino setup file located in /etc/trino folder includes the information necessary for establishing a connection to DBeaver. Java Keystore file contains a public key which is required to connect DBeaver to Trino cluster secured with …

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Trino logoMemory Configuration in Trino Cluster


Trino cluster is sensitive to memory setup. As Trino is developed in Java, Java is foundation to configure it. In many cases, Trino server is not started because of memory configuration. During Trino server launch, the validation rules are applied to make sure that major memory settings are consistent. It …

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Trino logoTrino Installation and Setup Pitfalls


Like other installations and setups, Trino formerly PrestoSQL can contain steps which cause difficulties. How many times you were stuck with something? In mostly cases, it was a trivial issue but you spent countless time to solve it. It's better to have a cheat sheet for discovering those issues before …

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Trino logoAccess MinIO S3 Storage in Trino with File Metastore


Trino accesses a variety of data sources by means of connectors. Hive connector is used to access files stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and S3 compatible systems. Metastore can be configured with two options: Hive or AWS Glue Data Catalog. Hive metastore setup and configuration are described in …

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