Trino added Iceberg connector some years ago and since that the connector has been getting more popular in Trino community. The major competitor for Iceberg connector is Hive one. Those table formats store data similar. The advantage of Iceberg connector is that it stores metadata along with data. It brings functionality which lacking in Hive connector. As a result, a task migrating of Hive tables to Iceberg ones is considered by many Trino users.
There are 2 ways to proceed with migration.
- Shadow migration.
- In-place migration.
Both methods request time and efforts to complete. The shadow migration is based on rewriting all tables in Iceberg format whereas in-place migration adds metadata to existing Hive data. Even with in-place migration, it will be downtime for converting existing data.
In this article, it will be described the third approach to migrate data. This method is not covered directly in Trino documentation. I call it as natural evolution migration. The name reflects a process of migration when downtime is eliminated and gradually Hive tables will be replaced with Iceberg ones.
The migration sample is developed in Starburst open-source distribution with S3 compatible storage.
- Current Hive catalog uses Hive metastore.
- Current Hive catalog and Iceberg catalog share the same Hive metastore.
1. Rename current Hive catalog
This step helps eliminated breaking of scripts.
If your current Hive catalog name is sample_catalog, rename to sample_catalog_hive.
2. Create Iceberg catalog
The name of the Iceberg catalog is the same as the current Hive catalog, for example, sample_catalog.
Add a setting to redirect requests to the Hive catalog if tables are in Hive table format.
3. Find tables with unsupported data types
There are 3 unsupported data types.
- tinyint
- smallint
- char
Run the query below. Be patient as it might take dozes of minutes to complete query.
regexp_extract(c.data_type, '([a-zA-Z]+)\)*.*',1) AS data_type_name
sample_catalog_hive.information_schema.columns c
sample_catalog_hive.information_schema.tables t ON
AND c.table_schema=t.table_schema
AND c.table_name=t.table_name
regexp_extract(c.data_type, '([a-zA-Z]+)\)*.*',1) IN ('tinyint', 'char', 'smallint');
4. Make changes to scripts to replace unsupported data types
The mapping to replace unsupported data types is.
- tinyint, smallint -> int
- char -> varchar
5. Run your scripts in Iceberg catalog
Use cases might be.
- DROP TABLE statement. Hive table is deleted and a new Iceberg table can be created after.
- SELECT statement. Iceberg catalog redirects a request to Hive catalog.
- INSERT INTO statement. Iceberg catalog redirects a request to Hive catalog. The table stays in Hive table format.
- CREATE TABLE statement. Iceberg table is created.
- MERGE statement. Iceberg catalog redirects a request to Hive catalog. The table stays in Hive table format.
6. Track progress
If Trino is connected to Hive metastore database by means of a catalog, the report can be generated showing the progress.
WITH data_format AS (
,coalesce(p.param_value, 'HIVE') AS table_format
hive_metastore.public.tbls t
hive_metastore.public.table_params p ON
AND param_key='table_type')
,count_format AS (
count(*) FILTER (WHERE table_format='HIVE') AS hive_tables
,count(*) FILTER (WHERE table_format='ICEBERG') AS iceberg_table
,count(*) AS total_tables
,cast(1.0000 * iceberg_table / total_tables * 100 AS DECIMAL(4,2)) AS iceberg_tables_pct
Consideration for migration
- Iceberg catalog does not support external (unmanaged) tables.
- Evaluate if efforts of replacing of unsupported data types less than benefits of using Iceberg table format.
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