Google analytics logoAdd Google Analytics 4 Pageviews in Static Web Site

Google Analytics 4 exposes data/reports through Google Analytics APIs. It can be used a wide variety of languages to access Google Analytics. Implementation of Google Analytics can be done only on server side which does not allow adding it to a static Web site. However, it is still possible …

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Trino logoMigration to Trino Iceberg Table Format


Trino added Iceberg connector some years ago and since that the connector has been getting more popular in Trino community. The major competitor for Iceberg connector is Hive one. Those table formats store data similar. The advantage of Iceberg connector is that it stores metadata along with data. It brings …

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Dbeaver logoUnleash DBeaver Productivity


DBeaver Community open-source version is lack of some features which available in Eclipse Integrated Environment (IDE). Those features improve productivity of database tool adding extra functionality. Variety of Eclipse plug-ins make IDE powerful and attractive for users. Also, some features might not work as expected in DBeaver. The article describes …

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Dbeaver logoDBeaver/Eclipse "File is out of date" SVN Error


DBeaver is Eclipse based Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It can be used with varieties of plug-ins. Subversion (SVN) is one of the plug-ins with source control functionality. It is integrated seamlessly with DBeaver, but Eclipse marketplace is supplied with old version of SVN library. It causes File is out of …

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Microsoft excel logoRename Worksheet Dynamically in Excel

Microsoft Excel events can be used to rename a worksheet based on a value in a cell. Depending on what kind of manipulations are done with a cell driving a worksheet name, it needs to pick up a specific event to trigger renaming.

Good candidates for events are.

  • SelectionChange
  • Calculate …
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Trino logoGet Started with Custom Connector Plugin in Trino


If you need to create a custom connector plugin in Trino, the best way to get started is to pick up an existing connector. Trino includes a comprehensive list of native connectors of any flavor. Separation of code from the main repository is requesting some modifications to it. Those changes …

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Trino logoUse HTTPS Protocol in Trino Server with PKCS 12 Store


Trino documentation includes description of access to Trino cluster secured by HTTPS protocol with load balancer, PEM and Java KeyStore files. PKCS #12 file is another option to implement HTTPS protocol. It is a binary format for storing a certificate chain and private key in a single, encryptable file with …

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Trino logoGet Started with Trino Plugin


Trino is fully customizable with custom plugins. Those plugins can be developed in Java and deployed to Trino clusters. One of the aspects of success in development Trino plugins depends on your development environment. If you are able to mimic the Trino team environment, you might encounter less issues and …

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