Trino logoGet Started with Trino Plugin


Trino is fully customizable with custom plugins. Those plugins can be developed in Java and deployed to Trino clusters. One of the aspects of success in development Trino plugins depends on your development environment. If you are able to mimic the Trino team environment, you might encounter less issues and …

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Hubitat logoHubitat Sensor Logging Visualization in Synology NAS

Sensor logging visualization is not available in Hubitat as the standard functionality. There are some ways to do it. The easiest implementation of the functionality is based on InfluxDB with Grafana. Those products are open-source and they are aimed to build logging visualization. The linking piece to Hubitat is InfluxDB …

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Cobol logoCOBOL Float Data Type


Float data type is aimed to store floating-point numbers. Depending on values, float data type can be 4- or 8-byte size. There are two parts in floating-point numbers: (1) mantissa and (2) exponent. To get a floating-point value, the mantissa is multiplied by 10 raised to the power of the …

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Cobol logoCOBOL Decimal Data Type


Decimal data type is called packed because it stores two digits in each byte. An exception is low-order byte which contains one digit in the leftmost portion and the sign (positive or negative) in the rightmost portion. Positive numbers are represented by hexadecimal F and negative numbers by hexadecimal D …

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Cobol logoCOBOL Display Decimal Data Type


Display decimal data type another name is zoned decimal. Each byte is separated into 2 parts. The first 4 bits is a zone and the second 4 bits is a value, thus one byte can contain only one digit. The low byte zone includes a sign. Positive numbers are represented …

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Cobol logoCOBOL Character Data Type


Characters include letters, numbers, special characters, and other attributes. There are 3 groups of character data type: (1) alpha with letters: A-Z, a-z, and space, (2) numeric characters: 0-9, and (3) any characters. Characters are organized in code pages. Each code page combines a set of characters with a special …

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Cobol logoCOBOL Unsigned BINARY Data Type


This group of values are integer unsigned data type. They can be from 1 to 8 bytes with maximum range from 0 to 18446744073709551615. Unsigned integers don't reserve a bit for a sign and they occupy entire storage with value bits. The summary of unsigned BINARY data type can be …

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Cobol logoCOBOL Signed BINARY Data Type


This group of values are integer signed data type. They can be from 1 to 8 bytes with maximum range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. Signed integers are represented 0 in the leftmost bit for positive values and 1 for negative ones. The summary of signed BINARY data type can be …

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Cobol logoCOBOL Data Types


The article is served as a quick information about COBOL data types without diving into details how data is organized in code. There are 4 major groups of data types in COBOL: (1) alphabetic, (2) alphanumeric, (3) numeric, and (4) decimal. Numeric and decimal data types can include a sign …

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Security logoConvert PEM File Format to Java Keystore


There are two major ways to convert PEM file into Java keystore one. The fist way is very easy because it is used a tool which is capable of direct conversion of those files. As a tool, for example, you can use KeyStore Explorer. The second way is not trivial …

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