
DBeaver is Eclipse based Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It can be used with varieties of plug-ins. Subversion (SVN) is one of the plug-ins with source control functionality. It is integrated seamlessly with DBeaver, but Eclipse marketplace is supplied with old version of SVN library. It causes File is out of date error in SVN commits. Errors might be different nature and they have different remedies.

Samples of errors

  • Sample #1

    svn: E160024: Commit failed (details follow):
    svn: E160024: File or directory '...' is out of date; try updating
    svn: E160024: resource out of date; try updating
    svn: E175002: CHECKOUT of '...': 409 Conflict (...)
  • Sample #2

    svn commit has countered a problem org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: 
    svn: E155011: Commit failed (details follow): svn: E155011: File is out of date

Update to Header remedy

Update your Eclipse project to header.

Update Eclipse project to header

Upgrade SVNKit and JavaHL libraries remedy

SVN plug-in installation from Eclipse Market place is Subversive - SVN Team Provider. "Subversive - SVN Team Provider" contains 1.10.1 old version of SVNKit library. Installing at least version 1.10.6 library might solve the issue. The updated version of library is Also, it can be upgraded JavaHL library.

Select Install New Software from Help.

Upgrade SVNKit library

Change library to JavaHL remedy

SVN plug-in installation from Eclipse Market place is Subversive - SVN Team Provider. There are 2 libraries included: SVNKit or JavaHL. You can select JavaHL library in Preferencies.

DBeaver/Eclipse SVN libraries



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