Trino SQL Server connector accesses SQL Server databases using SQL Server credentials. The connector properties contain SQL Server user name and password. This is only an option supported by Trino. Kerberos keytab is another option to be used in the connector. Kerberos setup is implemented with Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) supported by SQL Server jdbc driver.

The sample is based on Starburst 393-e open-source distribution with RPM/tar installations and RHEL 7/Ubuntu Linux distributions.

1. Download SQL Server jdbc driver

This step can be skipped for newer versions of Trino. 339-e version required it.

  • The download page is here.
  • Pick up either zip or tar.gz package.
  • Extract mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar, mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre11.jar, and mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre14.jar files.
  • Copy a file corresponding your java version to /etc/trino folder on a coordinator and workers, for example, if Trino cluster is run in java 11, take mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre11.jar file.

2. Generate keytab file

See Create keytab File for Kerberos Authentication in Windows article.

The file location is /etc/trino folder on a coordinator and workers, for example, /etc/trino/sqlserver.keytab.

3. Create jaas file

The file has to be deployed to a coordinator and workers in /etc/trino folder. the name might be conf.jaas.

SQLJDBCDriver { required

After successful completion of the setup, remove debug=true line.

3. Modify jvm.config file

Add and lines on a coordinator and workers to /etc/trino/jvm.config file.

4. Create Kerberos configuration file

The file is krb5.conf and the location is /etc/trino folder on a coordinator and workers.

5. Create a SQL Server connector file
  • Replace with your SQL server name. It has to be Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
  • Replace yourdatabasename with SQL Server database name.

6. Deploy the SQL Server connector file to each Trino node in a cluster

The location of the SQL Server connector file is /etc/trino/catalog/ folder. The name might be properties is the extension.

7. Restart the Trino cluster



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